Ben Eyckmans compagnon de rout

Ben Eyckmans


My fascination in fathoming human nature and desire to understand it in a greater coherence drives me to clarify complex issues. It gives me great satisfaction and I feel grateful that I can be close to people, teams, and companies in their search for more truthfulness and more efficient functioning.


Guiding people and systems I experience as a craft, a craft that I have mastered through the integration of academic studies, a wide range of professional education, workshops and training, years on the road with wise and experienced teachers, a conscious walk in life and more than 20 years of professional practice. My experiences as a leader, HR-manager, agogic director, trainer in people skills and systemic psychotherapist, help me to approach people and their requests for help from complementary angles.

Continuous training

I stay sharp through continuous training in fields such as systems science, dynamics in family businesses, psychotherapy, integral consciousness development, leadership, deep ecology, organizational culture, sociology, philosophy, medicine, psychohistory, transhumanism, sustainability, .... and by working together with colleagues and specialists in complementary fields and through supervision.

Mens sana in corpore sano

The attitude "mens sana in corpore sano"
I owe to the practice of yoga, eutony, meditation, hiking, Nordic walking,
swimming, and healthy nutrition.

"life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards"

Ben Eyckmans

Systemic coach & consultant