Ben Eyckmans compagnon de rout



Rajneesh's statement "life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved" is my leitmotiv when I work with people in an openminded way without having the truth in my possession. I believe that every human being, as a unique manifestation of life, is multilayered and impossible to fathom completely.


However, as a committed outsider, I can contribute professionally to clarifying the inner conflicts and challenges that each of us face. It is my conviction and experience that when we better understand and acknowledge these struggles, they largely weaken their grip and we can live life to the fullest and experience the power to use our talents and realize our ambitions.


In understanding our professional and personal challenges, it is often useful to look to the past under the motto of Sören Kierkegaard: "life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards" and thus, without losing sight of the focus on the present and future. After all, knowing and acknowledging our life script sufficiently is a prerequisite for us to develop our full potential and to be successful.

Sustainable success

We only become human in relation to the other and through the systems to which we belong, our family and family of origin, our culture, faith, education, social circle, company, professional association, .... Sustainable success, both professionally and privately, can always be traced back to clear and balanced relationship and system dynamics. Disturbed dynamics cause conflict, loss of profitability and professional and personal failure. That is why I consider the clarification of relationships, the mapping of systemic dynamics, and the disentanglement of binds and constraints, as the core of my coaching of people, teams, companies and families.


I see a human being as an inseparable whole, the parts of which can only exist and be understood in relation to the whole. That is why I approach my clients from different perspectives, with a connection between body, mind and emotions, short and long term, work and private life, alone and in relation to the other, daily reality and deeper essence, science and intuition,...

To be a human being

We only become human in relation to the other
and through the systems to which we belong.

"life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved"

Ben Eyckmans

Systemic coach & consultant