Ben Eyckmans compagnon de rout

Service to society


The rich experience and wisdom that I have been able to build up in my life I gratefully make available as a tool for the development of people, allowing organizations to flow better and building a more sustainable world.


Over the years, I have become more humble in what I can change in the world, and more convinced that the pebble I move in the river does indeed make the water flow differently. I therefore strive for small relevant contributions, tailored to my own abilities and limits, as an expression of creativity and fertility.


I am driven to support people who have a wider social impact on the world, especially those within family businesses, small civil society organizations and NGOs, and who can make this world a more beautiful place through their personal development.


I find it enriching to meet passionate and enterprising young people, and I am happy to support them in the further development of their talents, and the realization of their innovative projects.


Moreover, I find it fascinating and meaningful to look for synergies between companies and small non-profit organizations. After all, it is my conviction that an exchange between these, at first sight very different worlds, offers added value to both.

Ben Eyckmans

Systemic coach & consultant